= relegation, scrapping, withdrawal, expurgation, weeding, discarding, deaccession, deacquisition [de-acquisition], jettisoning, deselection, purge.
Ex: The number of withdrawn books from academic libraries has fallen to about one third of the quantity in the "pre Atkinson" period, whereas public library relegations have increased.
Ex: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.
Ex: Also it is difficult to correct any errors in punching, and to make any modifications to the index, corresponding, for instance, to withdrawals.
Ex: We might connect stream, current, flux, flow and evolution as being manifestations of motion; expurgation, disinfection, refining, bowdlerization and whitewashing as being manifestations of cleaning.
Ex: Weeding is the process of removing materials which are no longer useful from a library collection.
Ex: The discarding of literature can only offer limited help in relieving the space shortage for seating.
Ex: These rules are concerned with access, deaccession, appraisals, preservation, and theft of books.
Ex: Most deacquisitions research is carried out in college and university libraries, since serious space problems exist in such libraries.
Ex: Part 1 deals with library processes, including selection, checking and claiming, cataloguing and jettisoning.
Ex: No, it is not the deselection of contentious literature about, say, politics or sex, that is at issue.
Ex: The first mass removal of material was instigated by the trade unions and although admitted in 1932 to have been a mistake, the purges proved difficult to stop.
* expurgo de documentos = records disposition.
* expurgo de fondos bibliográficos = collection weeding, stock weeding.
* expurgo de publicaciones periódicas = periodical collection weeding.
* expurgo por censura = bowdlerization.
* expurgos = withdrawn material, withdrawn books.
* fecha de expurgo = purge date.
* plan de expurgo = weeding policy, weeding project.
* política de expurgo = weeding policy.